Camara Lucida is a book by Roland Barthes this book was first published 1979 one year before he died in a car crash.Before he died in 1980 he was a professor at the college de France. The book is about effects of photography ,theatre and history the book became a exposition of Roland barthes own mind.
"reflections on photography " begin as investigation into the nature of photographs Barthes wrote this book after his mother 's death.
The flowing sentences were wrote in a webblog.
"What Barthes wants to know is the essence of photography ?
What he must confront ? in the speciffic body in the speiffic time and space, what makes the photograph special?
What is specialty of the photograph ?
His book could be regarded as a crititique of the myth of bourgeois culture he seems to turn his potical critiques to more or less private investions of the meaning of photography ".
The publisher of the book was Hill and Wang ,the book was published in French the original title of the book is " La Chambre Chaire"
Roland Barthes considers photography as asymbolic ,his book is also about "the twin concepts of studium ans punctum studium denoting the cultural,languistic and political interpretion of a photograph and punctum denoting the wounding personally, touching detail which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it". /0374521344.html
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